Dear Family and Friends,
The internet is being SO slow!!! I have to be quick. A lot happened
this week, so I will try to get it all in! First of all, I have a new
companion. Sister Phillips from Washington. Two whities again! She is
really obedient and hard working so that is a blessing! We had a
really good week of work and I know that it will continue throughout
the transfer! It was really hard to say goodbye to say goodbye to
Sister Ilago. Some tears were shed, but she will be awesome! It has
been a weird adjustment from Tagalog all the time to English all the
time. I prefer the Tagalog.
We have been going lots and lots of finding this week! Mostly tracting
and just talking to everyone in our path. We have had some successes,
but lots more rejection. Always makes for good stories. My favorite is
we tracted a lady and she said "wait lang" and then goes inside. So we
wait, and wait, and wait and then we walk a little further and look
inside her house and she is just chilling there watching tv. I'll take
that as a no. Planting seeds I guess.
This week we had a lot of good lessons and are just seeing a lot of
miracles! Sister Miranda keeps on reading in the Book of Mormon and
her faith is really growing. Her life is not easy, but I can tell the
gospel is blessing her. Right now she is striving to keep the Word of
Wisdom. Rogie is also reading a lot and asking a lot of questions. He
has a great desire to be baptized, he just needs to get to church! We
were also able to teach his Sister. The spirit was so strong in the
lesson and she accepted to be baptized in the first visit. Again, she
just needs to get to church.
We taught the Morcoso family again. The less active family that was
sealed. We just taught the dad and the daughter. I was holding back
tears the whole lesson. I can see in their eyes how much they miss the
church. Tatay is so sweet. He was asking us how our work is going and
how our investigators are doing. I can tell that he has such a good
heart. I feel such love for their family. I want to help them so
badly. I hope we are able to get them to church again after over 10
years. I can't imagine how Heavenly Father feels about his lost sheep.
This week we worked so hard to commit EVERYONE to come to church one came. Sunday is by far the most stressful day of the week
as a missionary. You wait and wait at the door and when no one walks
into the is just sad. But there is always next week!! Next
week everyone will come to church! I know it!
So right now I am just really overwhelmed with all that needs to be
done here in Camalig. Between strengthening the members, reactivation
and conversion there is just a lot to do here in Camalig. A lot of the
time I feel so inadequate. This week I have been studying about
humility and obedience. I know that if we as missionaries are humble
and obedient that the Lord will work through us to bless those people
in our areas. We just need to follow the spirit in order to know His
will. He knows what these people need.
I will write lots more next week! Unless the internet decided to be
dumb again...
I love and miss you all! Have a great week!
-Sister Gardner
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